Indoor Lighting Environment
室内照明環境評価, 物理環境評価, 印象評価
Evaluation of Indoor lighting environment, Physical quantity measurement, Impression evaluation
Outdoor Lighting Environment
夜間屋外照明環境評価, 照度分布測定, 光害防止照明計画, 印象評価
Nighttime outdoor lighting environment evaluation, Illuminance distribution measurement, light pollution prevention, Impression evaluation
Color Environment and Human Response
光色による心理変化, 非日常的照明計画, 雰囲気照明, 色彩計画
Psychological effects due to light color, Extraordinary lighting plans, Atmosphere lighting, Color plan
Visual-Environment evaluation based on Virtual Reality
VRを活用した視環境評価, 経路探索評価
Visual environment evaluation using VR, Route searching evaluation
Sign planning and evaluation
案内サイン整備実態調査, 現場実測調査, サイン計画および印象評価
Survey of information signs, On-site survey, Sign plan and impression evaluation
Lighting design and Simulation
Lighting design and simulation (office lighting design / residential lighting design)
Landscape and Soundscape
キャプション評価法を用いた景観評価, サウンドスケープ評価, 聴感評価および分析
Landscape evaluation using caption evaluation method, Urban Soundscape evaluation, Psycho-acoustic Evaluation and Analysis
Architectural Acoustics
建築音響設計, 音響評価, 環境騒音評価
Architectural acoustics design, Acoustic evaluation, Environmental noise evaluation